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Neutral Modern Tablet Mockup Website Lau


The Challenge

As designers, we create a comprehensive system incorporating innovative technology to improve real-world spaces. Flexi Guard is an intelligent automation system that transforms the management of gyms by enabling trainers to efficiently control their environment, thereby enhancing safety and member satisfaction.

A gym system that uses technology to help trainers create a more stimulating and motivating environment for their clients.

UI / UX Designer
8 weeks

Meet Carl


“I believe that having more control over my training space would allow me to provide a better experience for my clients and help them to reach their fitness goals more effectively.”

Carl, a 32-year-old seasoned personal trainer, is passionate about helping individuals achieve their fitness goals and adopt healthier lifestyles. His expertise lies in sports injury rehabilitation, yoga, and taekwondo.


While Carl appreciates his current workspace at Body Balance Gym in Bedfordview, he yearns for a more personalized and adaptable training environment. The shared space with other trainers limits his control over lighting, sound, and overall ambience. Carl is determined to establish a training space that resonates with his clients' needs and fosters a conducive environment for achieving their fitness aspirations.

Pain Points

  • Unable to control lights, music, or equipment in their training space, making it hard to create a stimulating and motivating environment for clients.

  • In a class setting, providing each client with the individual attention required to learn an exercise effectively is challenging.

  • Administrative tasks like checking in with clients and tracking their progress consume precious time that would be better spent working with clients.

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  • Easily monitor his clients' sessions and keep track of their progress

  • Manage the lights and music in his workspace to create a stimulating and motivating environment for his clients

  • Save time by providing group tutorials to multiple clients simultaneously

The Problem

Carl lacks control over environmental factors like lighting, music, and equipment in his training spaces. This hinders Carl's ability to create motivating environments and provide individualized attention, especially in group settings. Additionally, manual administrative tasks consume valuable time.

How might we use smart technology to help gym trainers improve their control over their training space?

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The Solution

Introducing Flexi Guard: The Revolutionary Gym Automation System

Flexi Guard is an innovative gym automation system allowing trainers to manage their environment easily. This system lets trainers control everything from lighting to music and equipment in their training spaces. The innovative gym mirror feature provides clients with additional support during their workout sessions. Carl can significantly benefit from this solution in his work environment, creating the perfect atmosphere for his clients.

My Design Process

Starting with Research


These discoveries gave me valuable insight into Carl's vision for the intelligent system and how it could enhance his work environment.

Insights from Trainer Carl Gomez:

Client Tracking and Scheduling: Carl's challenge of managing client schedules and tracking their progress indicates a need for efficient client management.
Invoicing: The importance of accurately tracking client attendance for invoicing purposes highlights a business administration issue.

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Limited Space and Environment:

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Motivating Environment: Carl's observation about the gym's small space impacting the environment underscores the significance of creating a distraction-free and motivating atmosphere.

Time and Attention Constraints:

Client Attention: Carl's time and attention limitations in providing personalized attention to clients call for strategies to optimize his interaction with clients.

Comparison of Body Balance Gym and other smart gyms:


Body Balance Gym: Description of Body Balance Gym's characteristics, including its intimate atmosphere and focus on yoga and Pilates. The usage of smart technology
Smart Gyms: Description of smart gyms features, such as its modern feel, diverse class offerings, and utilization of smart technology.

How can I utilize these findings as the solution?

The system will have the following featutes.

Client Management System: Implementing an intelligent technology solution for client management to streamline schedules and automatic invoicing.

Enhanced Environment: Leveraging technology to optimize the gym environment by choosing lighting and music that best suits the environment.

Smart Mirror: Using an alternative technology to offer personalized workout recommendations and progress tracking, enhancing client experiences.

High Fidelity Wireframing 

Here I begin to implement the features required to enhance Carl's gym enviroment


Home Page

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Adjusting Lighting


Choosing Music


Choosing Rooms

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Client Log In

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Invoice Page

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High Fidelity Wireframes for Smart Gym Mirrors

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Final Visuals

Smart Automation Pad

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Choosing Rooms

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Every morning, he wakes up and activates the automation pad, which then presents him with a home screen. From here, he can tweak the lighting in any room or even pick out some tunes to start his day off on the right foot.

Carl chooses a room in which he desires to change the lighting and music.

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Adjusting Lights

Schedueling Lights

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Home Page

Carl adjusts the lighting based on colour, tone glow and intensity 

Afterward, he can schedule when the lights should turn on and establish the desired environment.


Choosing Music

Schedueling Music

Chosen Song

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Once carl is happy with the lighting he can now choose the music for the chosen room

Carl has decided to choose this playlist for his client

He can now set the date and times for when he wants the music to play.  


Logging in From the Clients Perspective

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The client, logs in with the smart automation pad, once logged in their information is saved and a invoice is sent



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Once the client is logged in, the system automatically generates an invoice. Carl can access this invoice on the dashboard to determine whether or not the client has made the payment.

Smart Gym Mirror



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With the smart mirror, Carl can now plan his workout routine. Upon switching it on, he will be greeted. 


Following Workout

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As the workout is displayed on the screen, the client can follow along, and Carl can just assist when needed



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Carl begins to browse all the possible workouts he can choose for his client.


Selected Workout

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Carl has decided to go with an arm workout 


End Workout

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Once the workout ends the client can begin cooling down 


Product Images

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Neutral Modern Tablet Mockup Website Lau

Conclusion & Next Steps

In the fitness industry, Flexi Guard stands as a revolutionary smart automation system that empowers trainers and elevates member experiences. Flexi Guard cultivates a motivating and engaging atmosphere for clients by granting trainers seamless control over their training environments. Additionally, smart gym mirrors provide real-time feedback and guidance, optimizing workout outcomes. Moreover, Flexi Guard liberates trainers from the burden of administrative tasks, allowing them to prioritize personalized attention and cultivate meaningful client relationships. Flexi Guard embodies a comprehensive solution that addresses the critical challenges faced by trainers, fostering an environment where both trainers and clients can flourish.

In future steps to streamline the user experience, consider consolidating room selection and feature adjustments onto a single page. This would eliminate the need for users to navigate between multiple pages to manage settings for each room.

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Jade Pieterse Portfolio 2023

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